Thursday, August 25, 2011

Significance of Ignorance

You deem it necessary for me to obey
Then you state that I don't have shit to say
As simple as a word that sharp like a knife
Demonstrating ignorance in this life
Support the crimes you commit I will not acquit
I will stand though you tell me to sit
As small as a drop as hard as the wall
Demonstrating ignorance hold my calls
Looking for a reason to justify your existence
Disrespecting me further with your continued persistence
Demonstrating ignorance you are the villain
Will fight this "evil" with all I have god willin
Significance of ignorance the definition of belligerence
Hope maybe you start to understand the inference
In this lesson I'll lessen your cause for concern
Maybe without a little ignorance you just might learn

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Glass Society

Touch them they break faster than the day
Faster than when the hooker asks you to pay
They tried to stop me but they crack at change
Can never control me far out of firing range
I hit them hard in the jaw cause it's made of glass
I hit them more the more time does pass
You have to hit them because they're all about control
To bend the mind and rule the soul
Free speech and free thought a smokescreen I see
Knowing what this world means to me
I strive to be a leader to be strong as stone
Never will I accept the glass nor will I condone
The lack of faith that exists in the world today
I know now is my time to seize the sun's rays
Let them know that color or gender is irrelevant
Let them feel that leadership is that transcendent
So we break them and breakthrough like a battering ram
We break the glass society simply because we can

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


What's necessary for some is vital to others
Like the love of a child portrayed by it's mother
Love that topic as passionate as fire searing the sky
Learning that fire can change the look in your eye
If it's for you I'll do it no questions asked
If you asked me to hide I'll wear a mask
If you asked me to walk through hell I'll say when
Dodging bullets and explosions like army men
If you told me you needed it I'd do whatever I could
Even if I wasn't very sure that you would
It's what I'm programmed to do even if people don't understand
When it comes to sacrifice there is no line in the sand
I'll sacrifice everything to save you always
Sacrifice is the model for the rest of my days.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Hero who left

In grace at a time that couldn't be described
The hero decided to become a scribe
To tell his story as he walked away from it all
No more damsels no more rescue calls
He walked away because the pressure became immense
Even stronger than his feeling that was that intense
He was sad but strong in knowing that it was done
It was time that a new story had begun
I couldn't lie he wrote feeling the tears in his soul
I had lost my way and lost all control
The ideal to have feelings was too much to take
I couldn't lose that part I worked hard to make
So I take the cape off I run from that plan
Become different and normal a regular man
This is the life of the hero that left
Though the people thought he committed a theft

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Talk Back

I can't listen to her when she talks back to me like that
It makes me irritated can't keep my thoughts intact
I can't defend myself so I don't I retreat to my shell
There's a reason this sh*t sounds like a hard sell
Always priding myself on being as nice as I can
But how should you feel when a woman disrespects that man
Forget getting physical that's a waste of my time
I need to go to jail just because you get inside my mind
Never that but sometimes it makes me wonder
What can I say that has the type of thunder
To get you to calm down and leave it alone
This anger I feel I sure as hell can't condone
It is that and just that is why I cry
Maybe that will send a message tears in my eyes
Cause nothing else works and with this strength I lack
I just learn to keep quiet and never talk back

From Reflective to Transcendent

I had a past but it's not why I'm here
I have a present and that I don't fear
I used to think what was right and wrong
Honestly I really think I always knew all along
Just chose not to live up to the greatness I am
Chose to stay a boy and not be that man
From limbo to relevance to a star I rise
Best part is there's no tears in my eyes
It's not dramatic it's fantastic like Marvel's Four
It's a lesson and a blessing like never before
I've learned to push harder with the heart of a champ
Knowing that I got the support of my team and my camp
I never advertise that I'm the best but I'm getting damn good
Realizing now that in some ways I always knew I would
I'm not even close to my past anymore I'm independent
Can't wait for the day where my talent is transcendent

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I think therefore....

I am as thin skinned as the man with the skeletal face
I am sensitive in ways that I'll always need my space
Hurt me one time and I'll never forget
Believe me when I say I have my regrets
I think sometimes I wish I was someone else
I don't think that way anymore if you think that helps
Learning to be a man has defined me in so many ways
But the future is yet to come so I have so very many days
Expect the unexpected is the mantra I take on
Trusting that God and myself will fight forward and be strong
There's a perfection in being imperfect that I strive and I live for
Understanding and appreciating that there will always be an open door
I am a believer that Love can save anyone
I know this because Love has saved this one
I am better today than I was yesterday
I think I will learn to say this everyday

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Looking Back One more time

I was told not to look back I might get caught up
So what if I do I'll be damned if I give up
Remembering the life before and wondering what could've been
Wondering if the path that was chosen wasn't a win
It's all these things that it's all fair to think about
Not anything to say out loud no thoughts to shout
Just looking with an open mind one last time
Just feeling with an open heart writing this rhyme
The people the places the things have passed me by
Though I know in my heart that I'll never cry
I have my memories and I'll leave them there
As fuzzy and warm as my black hair
It makes me think to myself damn time goes by so fast
Wondering about those times that didn't last
But alas as I close the page of the book once again
I say it's always good to look one more time my friend

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bill me for it

I'm no longer focused on what was said or what was done
The preclude to the end has just begun
So if you got something to say just say what you feel
Cause I could care less I'm past this whole deal
Can't tell me that I'm not there when it's the opposite of that
Can't tell me that I'm not fair when I work with the hard hat
So cause I don't do exactly what I'm told
Gives you the right to be big and bold
Look at me how you want I'm not playing the game
Believe what you feel but trust it's a damn shame
You talk about emotions well you're not talking about mine
It's me me me all the damn time
So if it's that bad just bill me for it
I'll stay the course just don't kill me for it

Struggles of Society

So can I make ends meet a minority the male sex Living in fear with this inferiority complex Like I'm supposed to understand this circle of life Always in the thick of battle full of heat and strife Can't tell my fiance I've been messing with her sister It was supposed to affect me more but I guess I never missed her Call me a dog but this dog's leash doesn't exist Say I'm full of sh*t but that's just part of the list I pay my bills but I'm still looked at like I don't belong at my job Got passed over a promotion by some dude named Bob I'm not going to blame it on him being white cause that just ain't right This is the sh*t that goes through my head at night Right next to my desk is this chick who's a hot mess Though she's ahead of me cause she's got a big chest I'm not complaining just laughing to myself Never mind the fact that I'm in failing health Doctor says I need to get my colon checked My response was dude touch me and get wrecked No more need for that abuse I got that as a child And they said as a kid the pain would be mild It's why I don't believe anymore I'm just living to die But I'm not living the status quo and just trying to get high I am who I am just a product of the system Just be careful if you didn't look you probably missed him

Friday, February 25, 2011


To stand there and wonder who you are and why you scare me
Is a question that screams out like it's asking cmon double dare me
I thought it was me who has changed the man with two faces
I just feel like right now we're at different places
What I want is the best but I feel so far from it
I'm on the case cause all I wanna do is hunt it
To love is a theory that stretches farther than light
That's why I won't cross that bridge tonight
I'm not ready to cut the curtain or close the book
Not ready to give that fateful and final look
I won't cross that road that screams my name
I won't cross that road that stays the same
I can't and I won't that's the bottom line
That road remains in my path and on my mind

Monday, February 14, 2011

Giving my all

I've been thinking all day about understanding the meaning of what it is to give the effort and take your time for someone else. I first of all have to say, it's very time consuming and draining at times. What I have found out though, and it's something that's become more apparent recently is the fact that it is gratifying. That is when you truly know your heart and soul are working properly.

Rightfully so through the years we are raised in a lot of different ways to have high self esteem and positive emotions towards ourselves. For some, they take that teaching and just apply it to the necessary phases for life, for others they take it literally and make it become something they eat, drink, and breathe. The art of selfishness, something that I have felt for very long.

As I've grown up, I've ran away from home, disobeyed a lot of orders, and did a lot of things that skewered my view of what growing up should be. I expected it to be too easy, and in those lessons and trials is where I have found moments of clarity. I hope in the coming days to meditate a little more, and start being in tune with my thoughts as they go haywire at times. My heart is heavy but strong, and my mind in pure wonderment at everything in life.

For the past two years I have learned what it is to love and to appreciate that love for better and for worse. It has been a test of every fiber of my being, learning to give your all to someone else just for the simple gratification coming from their happiness. Learning that feeling has been a truly interesting journey that I hope to continue, as I grow up.

Valentine's day for me is a reminder of what I didn't have when I was by myself, and I feel for those who are alone cause I've been there, but my advice would be simple as it is easy to give advice from a position of power. A day will come when it is your time, I just realized I had to wait, and then when you find someone who is worth it, you give them yourself as you would hope they do for you. Peace, love, and happiness.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rite Of Passage

From a man to boy I say on this day
Now it is time for you to go your way
You've lived in my shadow for years and years
Time to go out in the world to conquer your fears
It's perilous isn't it the world that's out there
With little of patience with barely the smallest of care
I can't boast of success but my experience is paramount
I've gone through more perilous fights than you can count
So as you take this journey take it wisely and very well
As I truly believe on the past you cannot dwell
I can say with confidence that I've always believed in you
Fly to the sky with the air clear the vision blue
Expect the unexpected but deal with grace
Eventually you'll see the smile on this father's face
Can't wait for the day when I can make this scripture
For you my son you're in control of this picture

Why I Cry

I cry because you say I would never be worth it
I cry because in truth you think I deserve it
I cry because I can't say what I really want to
I cry because I believe that I can't help you
I cry due to the fact that you can't always be there
I cry for reasons unseen and things seen everywhere
I cry with the thought that I'm not supposed to
I cry because I don't want to say the words to hurt you
I cry cause I can't take it for everything that's existed
I cry for the reasons above I just listed
If you really wanna know why I cry than look to the sky
As the rain falls that's what masks the tears from my eyes

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No Glory For the Man with a Heart

If you ask him he would trade it all
The hurt the pain to feel nothing at all
He'd be telling you the truth because it's just too much
The sensations the thoughts the ideas as such
Why Love if her Hate is stronger than that feeling
Why keep climbing the mountain if it leaves you reeling
He wants this glory this expectation of a reward
Little does he know it's something he can ill afford
As this life does not offer that type of glory
If that's the case than it'd be a different story
As I ponder what life can be like for this man
Hopefully he'll learn to understand
That Glory these days are in your self worth
Something you'll carry with you from your birth
No Glory for the Man who has a heart
Wish he knew that the Glory always came from the start

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I can't ask the world to accept me so I accept myself
I can't ask you to help me so I'll help myself
I'm not looking for your guidance I stay alone
I'm not looking for your likeness like a heart of stone
Who I am what I represent is nothing I can describe
This tunnel flooding of emotion that I feel inside
Let it bleed till it's last drop I say to the heaven
Hoping that my luck continues past the count of seven
I can't be what you want like the man on the tv screen
I can't act how you are when you talk about being mean
I am the heart at what you wonder what's right
I am the thought in your mind at night
At this point I'm everything that the world doesn't know yet
Hopefully I'm everything that you'll never forget