Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No Glory For the Man with a Heart

If you ask him he would trade it all
The hurt the pain to feel nothing at all
He'd be telling you the truth because it's just too much
The sensations the thoughts the ideas as such
Why Love if her Hate is stronger than that feeling
Why keep climbing the mountain if it leaves you reeling
He wants this glory this expectation of a reward
Little does he know it's something he can ill afford
As this life does not offer that type of glory
If that's the case than it'd be a different story
As I ponder what life can be like for this man
Hopefully he'll learn to understand
That Glory these days are in your self worth
Something you'll carry with you from your birth
No Glory for the Man who has a heart
Wish he knew that the Glory always came from the start

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I can't ask the world to accept me so I accept myself
I can't ask you to help me so I'll help myself
I'm not looking for your guidance I stay alone
I'm not looking for your likeness like a heart of stone
Who I am what I represent is nothing I can describe
This tunnel flooding of emotion that I feel inside
Let it bleed till it's last drop I say to the heaven
Hoping that my luck continues past the count of seven
I can't be what you want like the man on the tv screen
I can't act how you are when you talk about being mean
I am the heart at what you wonder what's right
I am the thought in your mind at night
At this point I'm everything that the world doesn't know yet
Hopefully I'm everything that you'll never forget