Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Never Enough

When is it enough? It's never enough. Still working on "Finding Peace in The Storm" so while I do that, some free writing here.

I'm never enough is the phrase in my mind
I'm looking for otherwise but I don't see a sign
A discredit a negative seems like it's your statement
I feel like deja vu getting used to your beratement
So as much as I try It's not enough in your eyes
Don't want to tell the truth because the truth is lies
It's never enough so what's the point of asking a question
If it ever was enough then this feeling would lessen
My heart wanting to know why but I fall further in thought
Wondering if I already lost for what I have fought
And in this effort it never was enough for you
And knowing these facts does color what's true
It doesn't matter if I'm hurting or what I'm going through
This isn't the life that I thought I knew
Enough is enough I'm tired of the lie
Knowing that enough isn't realistic to try

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The never ending war like my father said
As we fight for what’s living and for what’s dead
Not just in people but the ideals we stand for
Never has the urgency been this high before
As individuality has been quantified as a loss
With a cult message no matter the cost
I hope that we continue to fight to the day
So at the very end there’ll be more words to say
I won’t live in fear I’ll fight for what’s right
The goal the plan is to bring the truth to light
So that one day I can tell my son
That he won’t fight this war that’s begun
That one day he can express without being shunned
That his thoughts won’t be the only ones
Opinionated politics have given this war a name
Social media has left us with nothing but shame
Standing while seeing the war around me
Continuing the fight is the future I see