Thursday, May 12, 2011

I think therefore....

I am as thin skinned as the man with the skeletal face
I am sensitive in ways that I'll always need my space
Hurt me one time and I'll never forget
Believe me when I say I have my regrets
I think sometimes I wish I was someone else
I don't think that way anymore if you think that helps
Learning to be a man has defined me in so many ways
But the future is yet to come so I have so very many days
Expect the unexpected is the mantra I take on
Trusting that God and myself will fight forward and be strong
There's a perfection in being imperfect that I strive and I live for
Understanding and appreciating that there will always be an open door
I am a believer that Love can save anyone
I know this because Love has saved this one
I am better today than I was yesterday
I think I will learn to say this everyday