Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Persistent to be alone in my battle to survive
Yet my desire to connect still remains alive
In the recesses of my dreams I don't know what I mean
Maybe it was something I didn't notice something unseen
The reason why we all require a connection
In truth reminds me that in each other we see a reflection
Of ourselves in strengths weaknesses and the like
Muscle memory doesn't forget like riding a bike
Yet I walk the road alone keeping me to myself
Taking a chance on disturbing my emotional health
Disconnected from the idea of accepting a normal fate
Back and forth in my mind at a hyper rate
There aren't any blurred lines like between love and hate
Don't want to lose the distinction and be too late
To discover the wonders of connecting with you
Knowing the joy of finding out each clue
Learning to remember in my life what's true
To have another person understand what I'm going through
A connection in what I've listed never thought it existed
A connection to life I hope I don't miss it

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